Booted and ready to test the ice...
Late last year, we went on a ice skating adventure at the Pelham Civic Center, which has special hours and classes for homeschoolers.
Then begins the extensive period of wall-crawling...
Gnome on a roll...
The excitement of letting go of the wall... that first taste of possibility.
My mom's favorite saying- "Try, try again..."- echoed in my head as I skated. It made me happy to hear her words coming from my mouth when I most needed them. When Gnome fell on her stomach and the effort of encouragement was too heavy in comparison to the familiar ease of soothing and kissing and saying, "Okay, we don't have to keep trying..."
But the image of her laughing, skating, beckoning from across the ice. "Look kids, pretend she's over there. Skate to Buni." Because Buni never stopped trying. Buni never gave up.
Prophet has a ball...
and Gnome celebrates being wall-free.
I am so grateful for the opportunities to slip, fall, and fumble with my kids. And I am always deeply grateful for the friends which make such goofy joy possible. I miss you, Amy Lewis Sides.